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Thank you JLaw for that sassy and judge-heavy transition. |
Terms from the movie...
De-gene-erate: This word is used to refer to naturally born children, those who were not touched by the hands of genetic science. This is considered a negative thing as they are almost always donned with some kind of failure within their make-up, therefore resulting in earlier death or incapability to keep up with what is now considered normal.
In-valid: In-valid refers to those who are turned away from the mainstream opportunities of the lab children. In-valids are not allowed in fancy clubs or higher level jobs. The 'god children' are treated much like Black people were treated in the 40's and the segregation era... Separate but [not so] equal.
Borrowed Ladder: This refers to what genetically modified people see as the scum and scabs of the earth. People who are natural born and use the identity and genetic material of the more privileged society in order to climb the corporate ladder and reach their dreams. This term has a clever play on words as it refers to a borrowed ladder of success and a borrowed genetic ladder (like the image of the DNA strand that looks like a ladder!) Borrowed genes.
We use the words 'degenerate' and 'invalid' in today's society and they are used in much the same situation. They are very derogatory and are used to refer to those who do not have the opportunity that normal or special people have. It's clever how the movie was able to link these negatively commonly used words to the genetic future society.
Vincent's reasoning for leaving his family...
Once Vincent was able to beat his genetically perfected younger brother in a swimming contest, he knew that it was possible for him to rise to the same level as everyone else and achieve his true dream. He immediately left so that his family wouldn't hinder his assumed quest for destiny. He tore his face from the family portrait to signal total disconnect and to show them his wish that they forget him, because one day, he'll reach his dream and he will not be Vincent. He'll have to be someone else.
The meaning of the 12-fingered pianist...
Though this famous pianist was genetically perfect, something went wrong with the sequencing and he ended up with twelve fingers. After his birth, many probably considered him a flop and disregarded his perfect genetic make-up... that is until he was able to play a song only accomplish-able through the use of 12 fingers, making him a celebrity, a hope, and a huge middle finger to all those who considered him an invalid or genetic failure. The insertion of this character aided in providing hope to the story line to all those who were dealt the wrong hand when they didn't deserve it.
Favorite Character, would I want to be them?...
[The Real] Jerome Morrow is of course my favorite character; not just because of his painfully good looks, but because of his dark sense of self. He at first seems to give zero damns about the whole black market borrowed ladder involvement. He realized a long time ago that his life as he knew and wanted it is over and his situation was too fatefully perfect for him not to get tracked down by one of the shady people on the sinister side of genetics. Jerome had given up and was too perfect to even successfully kill himself. Jude Law was given the most tragic character of the movie. He warmed up to Vincent and focused his entire being on providing DNA for his dream life, while still battling the overpowering will to die. I would never want to be in that dark of a mind set. He was so sarcastic and cynical while still haughty and full of personality (i.e. sass). To be that tortured in his half-life is the most depressing part of the entire world of GATTACA.
The doc knew!!...

Possibility of GATTACA tech in our world...

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An appropriate ending yes? NO. |
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